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Creating and managing new chats

Everything you need to know about chat features.

Updated over a week ago

Socialising and networking are some of the core features of our app. When you connect with other investors via Shares, you can create private and group chats with them. The process is simple!

To create a private chat:

  1. Tap on your picture in the top left corner of the screen to access your profile.

  2. Tap the "Followers" or "Following" button to access your list of followers and following, and then select a user to chat with and access their profile. Please note that only when you and that user follow each other, you will then be able to create a private chat with them.

  3. Once you've done it, you will see the option "Message"

  4. Tap on the new message button and say hello!

To create a group chat:

  1. Go to the Social feed

    picture presenting the icon of a group of people

    on the bottom navigation bar.

  2. Tap on the chat bubble button:

    Picture presenting a chat bubble button
  3. Tap the new message button

    Picture presenting a chat bubble button

    in the right bottom corner.

  4. Choose the “Create a new group” option.

  5. On the Add Participants page, click on each contact you want to add in the group chat. A blue check mark will appear next to their name once selected. Note we only allow a max of 20 people per chat room.

  6. Once you have chosen all the participants, press the “Add” button.

  7. You then can name the group and add a cover photo (note: you may be asked to give the Shares app access to your photo gallery or camera)

  8. Tap on the “ Create “ button when you are done with the cover photo and the group name. You are ready to chat in the group!

Managing a private chat:

Click on

picture presenting the three dots icon

in the upper right corner of the chat to access Managing options. From there, you can

  • Delete a chat

  • Remove a person from your followers list

  • Block a person with whom you chat

Managing a group chat:

Each group chat has an owner (the person who created a group chat) and participants.

The owner can:

  • Delete the chat

  • Edit the chat in the following ways:

    • Add new participants

    • Delete participants from the group chat

    • Change the name of the chat

    • Change the photo of the chat

Participants of a group chat can:

  • Leave the chat

  • Edit the chat in the following ways:

    • Change the name of the chat

    • Change the photo of the chat

It is not possible to edit or delete messages which have been sent.

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