*ETFs trading: countries: France, Poland, Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg
Before diving into how to identify accumulating and distributing ETFs on Shares, you can learn more about them in the What are accumulating and distributing ETFs? article.
To quickly determine whether an ETF is accumulating or distributing on our app, please go to the "About" section on the ETF's instrument details page. Look for the asset type beneath the "Above" section of that specific ETF, where you will find a specific tag indicating whether the ETF is accumulating or distributing. The tag "Accumulating" appears for accumulating ETFs, while the tag "Distributing" appears for distributing ETFs.
Furthermore, on Shares, the "Activity" section of the app is where you can find more details of the automatic reinvestment by dividends payout from accumulating ETFs, and for dividends payout from distributing ETFs, you can also find the details of your dividend payout here once the dividend payouts are distributed to your account.