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How to read my instrument details page?

Everything about the instrument details page.

Updated over 5 months ago

*Stock trading: countries: France, Poland, Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg

To better analyse each of the stocks individually, tap on the stock you are interested in (from your Portfolio, or from the Explore screen). You can see here the instrument screen with details on this position.

In the top-right corner of the screen you can find 3 icons:

  1. Share icon - tap on this icon to share the stock, via your preferred medium.

  2. Set a price alert icon - tap on this icon to set a price alert for the stock (read more about price alerts here: What are price alerts?).

  3. Add to watchlist icon - tap on this icon to add the stock to your watchlist (read more about managing a watchlist here: What is a Watchlist, and how can I create one?).

Price chart

Above the price chart, you can find the current market price of the stock (or the most recent market close price, in case the market is not open right now) and the percentage change the stock experienced during the selected period. We try to keep the displayed prices as up to date as possible.

To identify the percentage change of the stock price at a specific time within a selected time period, tap on the chart and navigate to the required time. The scale of the chart depends on the time range selected below the chart:

1D = 1 Day

1W = 1 Week

1M = 1 Month

1Y = 1 Year

5Y = 5 Years

Trade indicators

If you currently have open positions in this instrument, on the price chart you can see small dots. These are trade indicators, showing your past trading activity of the given instrument. Tap on the indicator to display the details of your trade (type of trade - buy/sell and the amount you bought or sold (fees excluded)). If more than one trade of this instrument was executed in close proximity, you can see the number of trades for each side (buy or sell) and the amount for each trade.


*This section will only be visible for you if the stock is currently in your Portfolio. If you don’t own this stock at the moment, this section will be hidden.

In this section you can find the following values:

  • Position value - the current value of your open position, excluding the transaction costs.

  • Gain (or Loss) - the total loss or gain of your current investment in this stock, excluding the transaction costs.

  • Shares owned - the amount of shares you own.

  • Allocation - how much of your portfolio this stock makes.

  • Performance - how well the open positions of this asset are performing, in %, excluding transaction costs.

  • Hold time - the duration between the time the asset is bought and the time when it’s sold. This resets every time you sell all of an open position.

  • Avg. price - the average purchase price of your currently open positions of this asset, excluding the transaction costs.

  • Trades - the number of trades you executed for this stock.

Plans and Orders

*This section is available for FR users only and it is only visible for you if you currently have any Investment Plans and/or Triggered Orders which feature this asset. Otherwise, this section is skipped.

In this section you can find all your active Investment Plans and/or Triggered Orders, which feature this asset.

Keep in mind that if you currently have any active Managed Plans in the app, the open positions in the Managed Plan, together with their performance are separated from your other investments and shown under a dedicated subsection of your Portfolio. Learn more in our article: Where can I find the details of my Managed Plan?.


This section shows the basic details about the company. If you want to see the details (full description, the CEO, no. of employees, sector, company HQ and external links), simply tap on “See all”. If the stock is an ADR, you will see here an “ADR” tag (learn more about ADRs in our article What is an ADR and how do I identify it?). In case of fractional stocks, the “Fractional” tag is visible.

People you follow

Here you can find all the people who watch or own this particular stock, within the ones that you follow in the app. *If none of the people you follow own or watch this stock, this section is skipped.

Key stats

  • Market cap - the total valuation of the company.

  • P/E ratio - the price to earnings ratio.

  • EPS - earnings per stock.

  • Div. yield - dividend payout percentage annually.

  • Beta - the measure of volatility in relation to the overall market.

  • Avg. volume - the volume of shares that are traded.

*Some of the values under the Key stats might not be provided for a particular asset, if not applicable. In such cases, you will see the “-” sign under the statistic which is not available.

Analyst ratings

This section shows recommendations provided by third-party financial analysts who have thoroughly researched the company. Read What are Analyst Ratings? to find out more about this section.


The latest articles relevant for the particular stock will be displayed here. Tap on the article to see a preview, or to share it. To see the full article, simply tap on “Read full article”.


*This section will only be visible for you if the stock offers dividends and if there is at least a total of 4 dividend payments to be shown (including both the past and upcoming dividend payments). If there is less than a total of 4 payments to be shown, this section is hidden. If a stock doesn’t offer dividends, this section is also hidden and additionally a “-” sign is visible under the “Div. yield” field in the “Key stats” section above.

This section displays the past dividend payments and the upcoming ones (if they were already declared) for the stock. To find out more about dividends, check the What are dividends? article.


Here you can find your executed trades and dividends received from this stock. Only 3 most recent activities are displayed, to see all of them, tap on “See all”. *If you haven’t bought this stock before, this section is hidden.

Price alerts

Any set price alerts for this stock will be displayed here. *If you don’t have any price alerts set for the stock, this section is hidden.

Featured In

Here you can find the Collections, where the particular stock is featured. Tap on the name of the Collection, to find other similar stocks.

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