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Introducing the Social feed

Everything about the Social feed on Shares.

Updated over a year ago

The Social feed displays trading activity by users you follow on the Shares app, as well as posts made by specific Shares users (for example, Premium Investors, French Founding Members, and so on). To access this feed, simply tap on the icon below on the bottom navigation bar.

Social feed icon

Trade visibility settings

The trades that appear in your Social feed are controlled by the visibility settings set by the user while making the trade. Currently, when creating a buy or sell for an asset on Shares, you have three options: Public, Followers, and Private.

Post visibility settings

When creating a post in the Social feed without making a trade, you can choose between Public and Follower visibility. Please keep in mind that post creation is currently limited to a subset of Shares users; however, we are looking into making post creation available to everyone; stay tuned for updates!

On the Social feed, you can:

  • Like the trades/posts

  • Comment on the trades/posts

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